Personal & Group Training
If you are interested in scheduling a private, one-on-one session at GARAGEATHLETE HQ, please contact us to schedule your session and discuss available training days and times.
Come train in the GARAGE!
Our one-on-one sessions are customized to the individual’s current level of fitness and training goals.
Payment via cash or e-transfer only
Single Session
$70 CAD
Ten Session Pack
$600 CAD
Our Online Membership provides several remote coaching services, including personalized pacing, technical support, individual performance assessment, and feedback. Our members have weekly access to each of the following programs:
SkiErg, Indoor Rowing, BikeErg, Ergathlon, Fan Bike, Running, GPP/Fitness, and Hyrox
Programmed to support any athlete improve their ability on the Concept2 SkiErg. With at least 8 available training sessions programmed each week, athletes will increase anaerobic and aerobic output, improve stroke power and efficiency, and also build a strong core.
One of the coolest features available to those who have access to all three of the Concept2 training machines is the ability to complete one of four “Ergathlons”.
With three sessions available each week, our athletes can train specifically towards the “Super Sprint”, “Sprint”, “Middle Distance”, and “Distance” races.
13-week training blocks designed to prepare athletes for HYROX races. Our programming is built specific to the test with single skill-focused workouts, race-based couplets and triplets, as well as quarter and half race tests.
FIVE sessions (plus alternate sessions) available per week.
Designed to help any athlete improve their overall capacity on the indoor rower. Athletes will have as many as 8 or more sessions each week in a continuous, rolling program. Individuals will work on pacing strategies, engine building, power development, and stroke efficiency.
Whether you use a ROGUE Echo Bike, Assault Bike, Schwinn AirDyne, or another fan bike, we have you covered.
With four training sessions per week, you can turn your “favourite” bike at the box/gym into another great tool for improving your conditioning. We promise you, suffering isn’t always required on these.
Perfect for the track or at home on a treadmill, our RUN program is structured in the same fashion as our other membership plans with several balanced progressions designed to help you improve steadily and consistently throughout the year.
FOUR sessions available per week.
The most recent machine from Concept2 is another terrific stand-alone conditioning tool for general fitness enthusiast. Athletes will build their capacity and develop a better understanding of pacing, rpm's, and drag factor on the BikeErg, Five or more training sessions per week.
Built for the general fitness athlete looking to improve their engine within the context of a "met-con". By combining indoor rowing, SkiErg, running, and indoor cycling with mixed-modal strength movements, our FITNESS program delivers a fun and challenging workout for all fitness levels. 12 sessions per week, featuring three workouts per erg, as well as three run-based workouts.
“Engine, first.”
It is our belief that developing the capacity of the ENGINE should be the first training priority. We primarily use the Concept2 Indoor Rower, SkiErg, and BikeErg as we feel they are the best pieces of equipment for developing both anaerobic and aerobic capacity. The constant feedback via the performance monitor is essential in the understanding of pacing, rhythm, and breathing during a workout. The full-body, low-impact, comfortable set-up makes these machines perfect for all athletes, including those who are physically unable to run with any real intensity.
"Respect the Body."
Training to improve the way you look or feel are probably the most common reasons for exercising. But to the majority of people who do not exercise, the goal of looking and/or feeling better is not motivation enough. At GARAGEATHLETE, we train for reasons and results beyond our physical looks, as subjective feelings are not true measures of fitness. Performance, however, is measurable, and increased performance has the power to improve both the way one looks AND feels. Lowering a 5k row time, gaining 30 pounds on a back squat, or going from 5 pull-ups to 15 pull-ups are all quantifiable representations of improved fitness, and are the type of goals we chase.
As a provider of online coaching and programming, our aim is to give our athletes the education and tools necessary to improve performance, and enable them to get the most out of their training sessions.
The Concept2 SkiErg has made the sport of Cross Country (Nordic) Skiing available to everyone. Just like the indoor rower, the SkiErg helps to develop full-body strength and endurance. Where rowing is a posterior-driven movement (think hips and back), the SkiErg is primarily an anterior-driven movement (hip flexors and core) making it the perfect compliment to rowing. We strongly encourage all of our athletes who have regular access to both machines to incorporate rowing AND skiing into their weekly training.
We see immense value in the utilization of the rower as our main training tool. The full-body nature of rowing makes it an incredible option for improving both anaerobic and aerobic capacity, developing overall fitness, and losing body fat.
The on-board computer makes tracking performance improvement easy, giving us measurable data to gauge fitness improvement, monitor progress, and set tangible training goals. The low-impact, comfortable set-up makes the rower a perfect for fit anyone, including athletes who are physically unable to run or bike with any real intensity.
The Concept2 BikeErg is the latest addition to the C2 family of sport-based ergometers. The BikeErg has the same flywheel and Performance Monitor as the Concept2 Indoor Rowers and SkiErgs, bringing to cycling the strengths and features they have also brought to rowing and cross-country skiing.
The flywheel uses air resistance to create a smooth, quiet ride that responds to your efforts. The damper is your "gearing", allowing you to adjust the feel of your ride. Unlike most stationary bikes, the BikeErg has a clutch, so just like a real bike, when you stop pedaling, the flywheel keeps on spinning.
The C2 Performance Monitor gives you instantaneous workout feedback, with a wide variety of displays and workouts to choose from. The Performance Monitor is calibrated so you'll be able to directly compare your times and distances with other people, as well as track your progress.
The Echo Bike combines features of both the Schwinn Airdyne Pro and Assault AirBike to create the best value air bike currently on the market. The monitor tracks every metric typically measured by air bikes including intervals, target, calories, and heart rate tracking. It has a similar design as the Assault AirBike with quick select buttons on the right side of the monitor and is pretty easy to see during use. Athlete's who train on an Assault Bike will be able to utilize our programming as well due to the similarities in metrics and scoring between the machines (no real differences in how wattage or calories are counted).